The Homecare Guru

Balance Your Multiple Businesses With Success
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Balance Your Multiple Businesses With Success

Between the hustle and bustle of being a mom and running multiple businesses, Kedrin Johnson, CEO of WAYS Home Care & Health Agency has spent many restless nights working to build her multi-million-dollar businesses. So how is Kedrin creating and sustaining her successful businesses with success? Here’s what Kedrin has shared:

“Prayer and accountability have always been very important to me. When I finally got in sync with my husband Paul, I understood my role as a businesswoman, so everything made complete sense, and our situation got better. We have one on one meetings daily based about our personal and business goals, and every partnership should include this task”, Kedrin says.

There are other important tools to building successful businesses such as:

scheduling your life, and stick with it

  • pick your projects wisely
  • build a great all-star team
  • prioritize downtime for yourself and loved ones

Kedrin’s success has come from being committed to building a solid foundation with the combination of family and business. She is thrilled to be a testimony of her drive and hard work to pursue limitless possibilities that have built a concrete legacy for the generations ahead.